Thursday, September 4, 2008

The really great Reno Balloon Races

Every year for my birthday I get the best gift ever. Before the sun comes up, I curl up in a blanket in the crisp fall air and watch a sea of enormous colorful orbs float into the air.

I have always wanted to fly. I would spend hours looking up at the stars at night wishing that I could fly up there. Just for a few minutes, I wanted to be in the sky.

Thursday I got to do that. What an experience. We just floated more than a thousand feet in the air. This is a picture taken by Guy Clifton from the balloon he was in for media day. I guess he spotted the mess of red hair.

For a few minutes, I was flying!

I could see the path below where I went running. The runners on the path then looked like ants. All around me was blue sky.

As I had to get up at 4 a.m. to enjoy the flight, I am at a lack of words at this late hour.

I may add more later, after the glow show and dawn patrol. I love the feeling of flying, and every year I get to let my spirit soar with the balloons.

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